Deadlines and Procedures for Amending Annual Rent Registration

Even though the deadline by which rent registrations with the DHCR must be filed is July 31, the registration year duns from April 1 to March 31.

July 31, 2018 is the final day that DHCR will permit owners to amend 2017 apartment registrations as of right. After that date, an owner seeking to amend a 2017 apartment registration must obtain the agency’s permission through an Administrative Determination (AD) proceeding. Please note, the DHCR has been reluctant in most cases to permit an amendment to a registration.

July 31, 2018 is also the final day for owners to file 2018 apartment registrations and building summaries.

It is now mandatory to file both new and amended registrations via the DHCR’s Annual Rent Registration Online (ARRO) system. To request access to the Owner Rent Regulation Applications, you must e-mail to obtain a user ID and password.

The consequences of waiting to review a current year’s registration and risking that its status convert to a prior year’s registration are costly. The Rent Code Amendments of 2014 require that an owner seeking to amend a registration for a year other than the present registration year seek an order from DHCR by filing an Administrative Determination.

In contrast, amending a current year’s rent registration carries no additional burden of seeking approval. The official How to Amend Registrations letter is found by clicking here. Specific instructions on the amendment procedure is found by clicking here.

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